Training Course of Trichology –“Trichoscopy – 2020”, Moscow, Russia, 2020

Training course on the topic “Trichoscopy” was held in Moscow on February 14th – 15th, 2020 with the support of “Russian Hair Research Society” – RHRS and Tatiana Siliuk’s School of Trichology.

Trichoscopy is a modern diagnostic method of hair loss. It detects early changes on scalp skin and in hair structure, which are still invisible with naked eye. Trichoscopy also plays an important role in differentiating various types of hair loss and helps to assess hairy surface in dynamics.  All of the above is very important in planning and managing hair loss treatment.

Training course of Trichoscopy in Moscow lasted for two days. The difficulties and problems, which currently exist in Trichology worldwide, were also discussed during the course.

Sufficient time was dedicated to acquiring Trichoscopy skills, all the changes that are important for diagnostics: assessing the volume of hairy surface, changes in hairs, condition of follicles, assessing ventricular picture and skin. Moreover, some interesting and rare cases were presented and discussed.

67 doctors, from 7 different countries were registered in the training course of Trichoscopy. Two dermato-trichologists took part in the course from Georgia: Meli Bakuradze and Neli Keshelashvili.